As the rain falls down onto the Maunga (mountains) it connects with the earth with a gentle collision. In that moment of impact an alchemy of raw emotion between Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatūānuku (Earth Mother) is created. Gentle forces that produce a magnitude of medicinal explosions.
When one silently sits in nature and observes the rainfall, one can experience a myriad of symphonic occurences. Like the aroma of the impact when water meets earth.
A chemical explosion of sound pulsates over the earth generating ions of earthly groundedness. Spectacular bouquets of medicinal oil released from ancient flora into the air creating a massive outdoor healing room of aromatherapy. The tiny cells of earth living microbes and bacteria creating a symphony when pooled with the falling rain.
As the rain falls it forms pathways. Pathways that start off as a mere trickle then turning into streams of water that move in different directions. The water flows down toward the valley, with the intent of nourishing Papatūānuku and carrying the seed of Ranginui. This becomes the lifeblood of Papatūānuku. Gathering up speed the water passes through crevices and fissures and glides over subtle mounds. Cascading over cliff tops the wai (water) shifts into an invigorating waterfall falling, falling, falling…..to plunge into a pool of energised water. It dives and bounces over rocks and comes to rest in a puna (pond) of silent still water that has been shaped over generations.
Here the wai rests, bathing peacefully in its surroundings and being nurtured in the bossom of Papatūānuku. It is here the wai is able to kōrero with Tane (God of the Forest) and the passing on of mātauranga takes place. After some time the wai goes within to Te Korekore (Realm of Potential Being) to be still and to ponder. The surrounding mauri (Life Force) of Tane absorbs the kōrero (conversation) of Ranginui and Papatūānuku through the tiny molecules inside the wai, the molecules that hold the memory.
As the wai stirs from its rest it is ready to move on, carrying with it the kōrero of the sacred puna. It spills over rocks and plunges through the flora of Tane, being purified and blessed by Papatūānuku. It travels for miles and miles. It rests at more places to gather mātauranga and then carries on, each time collecting the kōrero from the sacred puna. The wai that began its life as rain is now a mighty stream and it is about to reunite with other streams who have gathered their own korero along the way. They will meet and merge as one and become a powerful river with kōrero combined together forging through the land holding sacred knowledge. They feel the mauri of Tangaroa as they get closer, eager to feel the exhilaration of the surging tide and to share their kōrero.
Ka rawe! He tino ātaahua tō panui.
He koorero ataahua! Ngaa mihi mo teenaa.