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Rongoā Mauri (Complete Course)

  • 65 Steps
  • 12 Participants
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Our trees and ferns hold the DNA of millions of years. This is mauri and it is a powerful and potent rongoā not just from a physical state but primarily within the esoteric realms. Our tūpuna passed down pūrākau that hold the key to unlocking the codes to these realms. Rongoā Mauri offers a deep journey of understanding and journeying into the plant kingdom where a realm of higher knowledge and wisdom awaits. For many indigenous cultures around the world, plants and the natural world are the pure resonance of AIO, the Supreme Being. This is the esoteric component of indigenous medicine. Our tūpuna left us a guide-book and a map to enter these realms. After completing Rongoā Mauri, you will be able to confidently identify rākau and learn to make a rongoā with the plant. You will learn the mauri of the rākau and how it can facilitate healing and transcend your whole being. You will be able to facilitate mauri, the ancient language of the natural world. You will be able to communicate with plants while strengthening the 3 hearts: Whatumanawa Manawa Pūmanawa Are you ready to be attuned to the natural world?

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


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