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The Mauri of Kawakawa

  • 16 Steps
  • 5 Participants


The Mauri of Kawakawa is a rongoā course exclusively on Kawakawa. It is designed to work in collaboration with our Kawakawa Range to support deeper healing of the manawa (heart). We dive deep into the mauri of Kawakawa to strengthen whanaungatanga (relationship) between you and the plant. When you begin a Rongoā Course you go through your own healing journey and this is where the intensity lies. As you connect to the Atua and the mauri of specific plants, an internal cleanse takes place and changes occur. You slowly begin to resonate to the frequency of the plant. Rākau are our tuakana. They are our teachers. By developing the ability to listen and access the information stored, we are able to operate at a higher level. Maintaining this level of high vibration is what we aim for. The beauty of this online course is that you can do it at your own pace and in your own time. We have created it so that the content is delivered to you in stages to give you time for the mātauranga to integrate. A principle learning outcome is working with and understanding mauri. This enables you to develop and strengthen your matekitetanga (intuition).

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


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