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A rongoā traditionally used to regulate cycles for women at all stages of life. It provides support for feminine balance and is a powerful aid for healing. It was traditionally used by Māori to support the sacred space of the whare tangata. It helps with hormonal balance, period pains, menopause and assists in relieving pelvic congestion. It can help wāhine greatly release stagnation held in the pelvic region.


Use in combination with Wā Hine Balm for your treatment plan.

If you choose to deepen your connection further, we offer an online rongoā course to enhance your experience of Wā Hine.


Not recommended for use during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.


For more information on Kohekohe, read our blog poshere


Watch our video here


Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.

WĀ HINE - Feminine Balance Tincture

  • Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile)

    Aurea (Metrosideros excelsa Aurea)

    Alcohol extract

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