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Introduction to Rongoā Māori Workshop

Sat, 25 Mar


Hine Nui o te Ao Marae

This workshop is an introduction to the world of Rongoā Māori, and the tīkanga involved in harvesting rongoā. Koha for the workshop.

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Introduction to Rongoā Māori Workshop
Introduction to Rongoā Māori Workshop

Time & Location

25 Mar 2023, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Hine Nui o te Ao Marae, 4 Convent Road, Ōtaki 5512, New Zealand


This workshop is an introduction to rongoā. It introduces participants to Rongoa Maori, and the tikanga involved in harvesting rongoa. We'll work with rākau that are easy to find in your backyard or neighbourhood.

What we'll be making:

  • Wairākau for detoxification
  • Poutices and wraps for drawing toxins 
  • Pani for inflammation and repairing skin

Please bring some kai for a shared kai with everyone.

Bring a jar or container for wairākau to take home.

Notebook for writing.

The cost of the workshop is koha and will be facilitated by Joanne Hakaraia-Olson of Ngāti Raukawa.


  • 6 hours

    Introduction to Rongoā Māori Workshop

    Hine nui o te Ao Marae

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