Rongoā Rākau along the Otaki River
Fri, 30 Apr
|Te Waka Rākau
Join us in our workshop of harvesting rongoā sustainably. Learn about our connection to Papatūānuku and the role that our rākau have in sustaining her.

Time & Location
30 Apr 2021, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Te Waka Rākau, 59 Main Street, Otaki, New Zealand
Every Friday fortnight, a local roopu of Te Waka Rākau gather at Chrystalls Bend along the Otaki River to harvest rākau sustainably. We work collaboratively with Friends of the Otaki River and Wellington Council to maintain clear pathways for cyclists and pedestrians.
We meet at the carpark of Friends of the Otaki River on Riverbank Road, Otaki.
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