Te Waka Rākau - HE RONGOĀ (1)
Tue, 20 Apr
|Aio Wira Retreat Centre
Te Waka Rākau - He Rongoā is a space where we will work with rongoā to assist us in purifying the tinana (body), hinengaro (mind & emotions) and wairua (spirit). You will learn some of the medicine but primarily, you will learn the deeper aspects of the healing power of Aotearoa's native plants.

Time & Location
20 Apr 2021, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Aio Wira Retreat Centre, 8 Aio Wira Road, Waitākere, Auckland 0781, New Zealand
You came here to fulfil a purpose. Do you remember?
I am deeply humbled to be able to deliver Te Waka Rākau - He Rongoā in the beautiful Aio Wira Retreat Centre, Waitakere, Auckland surrounded by bush and forest as we work with rākau for deep healing, transformation and expanding consciousness.
Have you ever wanted to read the mauri of plants? Or how to work with them on a spiritual level?
The higher principles of rākau (plants/trees) were passed onto me as scared dimensions of space woven and bound together with mauri (life-force). They are dynamic.
Rākau will reveal their healing properties when we connect to them on a deeper level. We must be an empty vessel to receive tapu (sacred) information. Our hearts must be free from pain, sadness and anger for it is through the heart that one perceives what nature is communicating.
Te Waka Rākau - He Rongoā is a space where we will work with rongoā to assist us in purifying the tinana (body), hinengaro (mind & emotions) and wairua (spirit).
You will learn some of the medicinal properties of plants that are specific for our space but primarily, you will learn the deeper aspects of the healing power of plants.
We will connect with rākau to enable profound healing and transformation.
Ko Wai Au?
Who Am I?
When you can move to the core of knowing who you truly are, life takes an amazing turn.
This wānanga is for those who wish to go deeper in knowing who they are. It is open to everyone who feels the call. If this karanga (call) pulls at your heart strings then it is for you. Your tipuna (ancestors) have led you here. Wairuatanga and mauri are the essence of the wānanga. Anyone from any culture are welcome. This retreat is about 'emptying the vessel' to move deeper into the kingdom of nature.
Cost of the wānanga is $450
Fees include accomodation plus meals. This is a childfree event. Spaces are strictly limited.
Nau mai haere mai xx
Joanne Hakaraia & Lynaire Hartley