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Rongoā Mauri Logo


Using the 1-10 scale below, appraise your relationship with each of the following Mauri (categories) and circle the appropriate number.

1 = Mauri Oho                             5 = Mauri Pai

Relationship with Self
Relationship with te taiao
Relationship with your whare
Relationship with your partner
Relationship with your matakitetanga
Relationship with your tamariki
Relationship with your parents
Relationship with your co-workers
Relationship with your current income
Relationship with your community
Joyful Life

Nga mihi!

5 stars is fabulous! Congratulations xx


Anything below 5 requires more mauri which means a change in perception and awareness. 


Tick the categories that require more mauri. Write a sentence about how you could improve it. If it helps, start by writing ….


e.g I could improve my relationship with my partner by allowing an hour every evening by listening to him/her or having a meal at dinnertime with candles and soft music.


e. g I could improve my relationship with te taiao by spending an hour a week going for a walk at my local reserve.


It just takes a change in thought and a small dose of energy to begin a new habit. Acknowledging and knowing where the improvement needs to come from is a huge step in the right direction.


In order for change, you have to become conscious of your unconscious self and know where your thoughts are in relationship to your loved ones and the world around you.  It requires knowledge, because when you learn vital information about yourself or your life, you can create a whole new pattern for yourself.  You begin to think about reality differently, because you begin to see your life through the lens of a new mind. The exercise you have just completed shows you where you are right now.


This form is for you to keep. Once you have filled it out, keep it in a safe place.

You will need it at the end of the wānanga.

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