To manage my waitlist effectively, we have created a Rongoā Mauri app that offers you instant support for your hauora (Healing & Wellness). You will find guided meditations created by Joanne, spiritual practices to support your wellbeing and teachings to strengthen your matakitetanga (Intuition). Every month, I host live online webinars to share the Light Codes that highlight what is important for us to know.
This app is like having a spiritual healer with you at all times. Group chat allows you to network with other like minded seekers and Joanne will answer your questions. You can now have a spiritual guide in your pocket and have Rongoā Mauri Healing at your finger tips!
Once you are a member, download our app 'Spaces", for your hauora (Healing & Wellness) support.
Your Spiritual Guide
To manage my waitlist effectively, we have created a Rongoā Mauri (Wellness) app that offers you instant support for your hauora (Wellness). This is your spiritual guidance app to help you navigate your sacred journey within.
Download the 'Spaces' app from Google Play or Apple

Channel Rongoā Mauri
We Are Sacred | Rongoā Mauri

We Are Sacred | Rongoā Mauri